He is an educated animal and is useful only as he serves the ambitions - desires - of a ruling clique though they try to make this finer-sounding than that, because they say their dictatorship is that of the proletariat, meaning that they rule in the people's name - for the people. Denying the existence of spiritual values, it maintains that man responds only to materialistic influences and consequently he is nothing. One side upholds what it calls the materialistic dialectic. "Today there is a great ideological struggle going on in the world. Remarks at Luncheon Meeting of the Republican National Committee and the Republican National Finance Committee, 2/17/55 It is only in the mass that finally philosophy really emerges."

It is the total of the decisions that you make in your daily lives with respect to politics, to your family, to your environment, to the people about you. But I do say this: life is not made up of just one decision here, or another one there. "Now I realize that on any particular decision a very great amount of heat can be generated. Remarks at the Convention of the National Association of Retail Grocers, 6/16/54 That meant a lot to young boys to whom a nickel looked about as big as a wheel on a farm wagon." When you go around picking things off the shelf, you pay for them. I understand that they are not that accommodating anymore we have got too efficient. But better than that was the dill pickle jar that you could dive into, sometimes arm deep almost, and try to get one. They had a practice then, in grocery stores, that I understand growing efficiency has eliminated - always hoping that the grocer would say you can have one of the dried prunes out of the barrel over there. We had a quarrel daily as to who could go up and do the chore of bringing the groceries down home. "When I was a boy, I was one of six in my family. You are trying, through a unifying influence, to build that row of dominoes so they can stand the fall of one, if necessary." When, each standing alone, one falls, it has the effect on the next, and finally the whole row is down. "Well, it is very important, and the great idea of setting up an organism is so as to defeat the domino result.

The President's News Conference of 5/12/54 "There is an old saw in the services: that which is not inspected deteriorates." Remarks Upon Receiving America's Democratic Legacy Award at a B'nai B'rith Dinner in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of the Anti-Defamation League, 11/23/53 If you met him face to face and took the same risks he did, you could get away with almost anything, as long as the bullet was in the front." You could not sneak up on him from behind, or do any damage to him, without suffering the penalty of an outraged citizenry. It was: meet anyone face to face with whom you disagree. Now that town had a code, and I was raised as a boy to prize that code. If you don't know anything about him, read your Westerns more. We had as our marshal for a long time a man named Wild Bill Hickok. "I was raised in a little town of which most of you have never heard. It was: always take your job seriously, never yourself."Īddress at the New England "Forward to '54" Dinner, Boston, Massachusetts, 9/21/53 "Thank goodness, many years ago, I had a preceptor, for whom my admiration has never died, and he had a favorite saying, one that I trust I try to live by. "There is - in world affairs - a steady course to be followed between an assertion of strength that is truculent and a confession of helplessness that is cowardly." "A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." "For history does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." Inaugural Address, Washington, DC, 1/20/53 "Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America." Homecoming Speech, Abilene, Kansas, 6/22/45 "The proudest thing I can claim is that I am from Abilene."